Monday, September 11, 2006

Back again!

Summer is over. The kids are back at school. Big Brother and the World Cup are just a distant memory. So why has the weather taken a turn for the better? It was rubbish while the schools were closed. I blame the government!! I don't care which one, any will do.

Now we can put all that summer frippery behind us and get down to some serious business. ie X Factor is a back on.

We are still at the audition stage at the moment. Me and my family’s favourite bit. I put the contestants into three main categories
A) Those with a bit of talent, who either get through or miss out.
B) The ones with no talent and are doing it just to get on telly and have a laugh
C) The ones who have no talent but think they have.

It's the third category that makes the auditions worth watching. Purely for the after show aggression shown to the judges, especially Simon Cowell. Invariably they make a claim to return after they've become bigger than Elvis and rub the judges noses in it.
Show biz mums are plentiful. They've spent between 16 and 20 years massaging they're talentless offspring’s egos and they're not going to let a little thing like a reality check get in the way of their babies dreams.
I still think the most disturbing was the rather large girl, last year, who claimed "Please Simon, It's me dream. I've failed at everything else!!" She can now add X Factor to her list of achievements, yet to be fulfilled.
Spirit and Destiny made a welcome return this week. He is just as bonkers as I remember. She appeared solo and still didn't get through. Is it just me or was he slightly gloating?
I got the impression that he would not have been happy if she had got to boot camp without him.
Top notch family entertainment. I don't care what any one says.


Blogger kats said...

Hi Steve,
The auditions for the x factor are he funniest thing on telly.

Greetings from Scotland and thanks for reading my blog

5:33 PM  

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